Use case diagram represents the case and the actor with the interaction / relationship. Use case diagram describes the requirements / functional requirements that exist in the system, by connecting the actor and the system limits the response of the system.
The actor is a user system; "user" can mean a human being, a machine, or even another system. All of which are interconnected with the system from outside or limit the system is called an actor. Actors are generally associated with Use Cases.
Elements of Use Case Diagram
+ Actors
Actors could have used a system with a graphical user interface through the interface or other media. The interaction of actors with a use case scenarios are documented in the case and the functions of the system which should be available to meet user needs.
A construction is made on the use cases to describe and explain a user or another system plays a role when interacting with the system associated with it. This is kind of a unified system (entity) that are interconnected, but the user itself is the outside of the system. Actor could be represented by a human, external hardware, or other. Actors do not need to be shown physically specific. For example, a physical entity may use a different user and vice versa, an actor who has a role in the entity can play its role in the entity are different also.
Use Case
A use case is a UML modeling element that describes how a user system that play a role in the system will be interconnected with the system to implement a separate unit with outlines and indicates an interaction that has the intent or purpose to the end user (people, machines or other systems), and are required to leave the system until the state final: could the interaction to complete or return to its initial state (looping).
1. generally have a use case requirements and restrictions that outlines the features and rules that exist in the case of the operation.
2. A use case can be made into a sequence diagram that describes the events in the system (the behavior of the who, what and where in a system).
3. Use case generally describes the relationship with the system through the workflow so as to produce the final result.
Collaboration describes a set of co-operation of the roles and the connecting system. This is used to describe the joint performance of a specific system capabilities. Collaboration needs to define the roles and attributes required to fulfill a specific task or function. Although in practice a behavior and roles can involve many attributes, the main roles and needs in kebutuhanan-simplify and explain the behavior, so it can be reused. A Collaboration is often adopted a pattern on a variety of situations.
System Boundary
A boundary element signifies a system of classification, such as a class, component or subsystem, the use case is included into the system boundary. By drawing a boundary (boundary), classifying the elements do not reflect the ownership of the use case, but as marking the use of the elements on a use case.
Connector of the Use case diagram
Connectors use shows one element requires another to carry out some of the interactions. Relations use (consumption) does not specify how the target supplier is used, apart from the source client to use in the definition or implementation. A relationship is a relationship of dependency usage. You may use the relationship to the use of most use use case diagrams to model how actors use / carry out the functions of the system (Use Cases), or to describe the use of dependencies between classes or components.
Connectors association implies two model elements that have a relationship-usually applied as a single variable diinstansiasi in one class. This connector can incorporate the roles that called each end, the range, direction and boundaries. The Association is a common type of relationship between elements. For more than two elements, a better representation of the diagonal elements of the toolbox is used.
connectors include showing that the functional elements of the source entered the targeted element. Include connectors used in modeling use case for menngambarkan a use case that is inserted in it the behavior of another use case. The use of relationships to avoid include use case has the same subset of behavior; similar to the delegation that used in the model class.
Extend the connector is used to indicate an element that extends / increases from other behaviors. Expansion of the use case model is used to mark (a) a single use case extends the behavior of others. Expansion of the use case typically describes the workflow of other (additional)
Source object to implement or realize the goal. Realization is used to express traceability and completeness in the model-a business process or the requirements / needs are realized by one or more use cases are realized by several classes, components, and others. Through modeling abstraction level, ensuring a large picture of the memory system and reflects all the thumbnails and details that inhibit and explain it.
18.16 |
Information Technology (IT)
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